Suffolk Grounds Association AGM
March 3, 2021The Suffolk Grounds Association AGM will be held on March 10th and you are cordially invited to attend.
Clearly because of Covid19 and restrictions we are unable to meet in person. and therefore will conduct this meeting on line using Zoom. Details required to join the meeting are shown below and are also included in the agenda documentSGA AGM Agenda 2021.03.10.
Some time ago we circulated a questionnaire asking all clubs to identify the grounds management issues they considered most important and the best means of communicating information to our members. One issue highlighted by a number of clubs was that of ‘Worms and worm casts’ and how to manage these. We are committed to addressing the issues raised in the survey but clearly the exceptional circumstances last year made this impractical.
In an initial effort to address the ‘Worm’ issue we have prepared a summary of the key information which is attached as file ‘Worm Information Final 2021.01.26‘ . We also include the full report of a study conducted by Essex Groundsman Association in the attached file ‘Essex Worm Suppressing Study‘ which may be of interest.
We are very keen to encourage attendance at this meeting and therefore it has been decided to run a prize draw open to all Suffolk affiliated clubs attending. The prize being £100 to be used for management of their ground. The names of all clubs attending the meeting will be included and one winner will be drawn at random following the meeting. The result will be communicated to all members with notes of the meeting.
Topic: Suffolk Grounds Association AGM
Time: Mar 10, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 7147 0319
Passcode: 757929
Tags: AGM, Essex, Suffolk Grounds Association
Categorised in: Suffolk Grounds Association